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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Kale Chips

For all you chip-lovers out there (myself included), and for all you moms out there looking for new ways to get veggies into your kids (myself included again): please do the world a favor and try Kale Chips!  They are incredibly easy to make, and they are tasty and fun to eat.

So it is this simple: Buy Kale at the store (I do two bunches just for my husband, son and me), wash it and dry it off the best you can.  Rip the leaves from the stems, and rip them into 'chip-sized' pieces, then give it a light coating of olive oil.  Put it on a baking tray, salt and pepper it (quite a bit of salt here) and bake it at 400 for about 20 minutes, or until it is toasty brown on the edges.  Now, eat.

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