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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Green Chili Burgers

Summer grilling... it is truly a delightful experience.  Perhaps one of the best traditions belonging to an American 'summer.'  This tied with swimming is one way I could spend every 100+ degree day in Tucson, or anywhere in the world...

However, I do live in Tucson, and I do love a delicious grilled meal.  Though I have to admit, I'm not a big burger fan (unless it is In-N-Out, then I'm always game).  So burgers need to be big, flavorful and juicy for me to really want to dig in to them.  This one hits the mark!

So grab your grill master, and have him light it up! While you are letting your grill get nice and toasty, grab your yummy burger flavor preparations...

2lbs ground meat (I used beef, but turkey would be great too)
2tbsp green chili
1tbsp chopped cilantro
2tbsp chopped scallions
1tbsp chili powder
3tsp garlic salt
salt & pepper to taste

Mix all the ingredients in, though don't overmix or you will end up with burger that resemble the hardness of bricks... Now patty the meat out into about 6 patties (these will be large so you could definitely squeeze 8 patties out if needed).  Make sure they are thinner in the center so that they cook evenly.  Then load them onto the grill and relish the wonderful smell of summertime grilling!

The only thing to make this better?  Grilled vegetables of course!  My favorite?  I would have to say grilled squash and zucchini, (they are seriously the best!) so just slice them up into big rounds so they won't fall through the grates, lightly cover them with olive oil, salt and pepper and then grill!  And yes, these grill marks are real, and real easy to achieve.  So top your burgers with your favorite cheese (monterey jack for me), finish your perfectly looking and tasting veggies, plate up, and enjoy a taste of Tucson summer!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Summertime Smoothies

There is nothing better than an icy, cool, smooth treat for the hot summer days.  However, ice cream and icees aren't exactly great for the figure, especially for the soon-to-be-bride.  So we turn to the ever delicious fresh fruit smoothie!

In a blender, add two bananas, one cup of low-fat vanilla yogurt, one cup frozen berries (blueberries in this case, and fresh is fine too) and about two cups of ice.  Process until smooth.

In the meantime, make sure you have two glasses with crazy straws prepared. 

Oh yes, crazy straws make everything taste better!

Now, pour and enjoy. 

Oh, what's that?  You have some left over?  DON'T DRINK IT!  I know, I know it's ever-so-refreshing and delicious, but I have something even more wonderful in mind... Blueberry Banana Popsicles!  Great!  So pour the remainder of your smoothie into popsicle molds (they are pushed all the way in the back of your pantry...), freeze for at least 3 hours and then enjoy!  Again!  Just like my mom is modeling for you in the picture below  :D